Afrika Dili

B) Match the highlighted words in the text to their definitions.
Farming is changing. In the past, most farmers owned their farms. Today corporations
may own them. Before, farmers sold their produce to grocery stores. Now they often
sell their crops to companies. Many farmers suggest that for these reasons, farming
could be changing in hazardous ways.
Modern farmers no longer grow many species of produce. They grow only species
that are easy to produce in big numbers. For example, they may grow one species of
corn, but not local varieties. Some people criticize them for these changes. However,
farmers answer that international food corporations tell them what to grow. They
agree with their critics that a globalized food industry can have bad effects on every
continent. People may become dependent on a few species of food. If those species
are destroyed, there could be a famine on a global scale.
Many farmers disagree with international food farming. It may be changing farming in
dangerous ways, they believe. It destroys traditions and thousands of years of farming
knowledge. The marketplace and politics solely decide what people eat. Crop species
are becoming extinct, and we may be creating the conditions for a global famine.


B) tanımlarını hun metinde vurgulanan kelimeleri eşleştir.
Tarım değişiyor. maçın, çoğu çiftçi çiftlikleri hun aittir. Bugün şirketlerin
kendilerine sahip olabilir. Önce, çiftçiler marketler hun üretmek satıldı. Şimdi sık sık ze
şirketlere hun bitkileri satmak. Birçok çiftçi bu nedenlerden dolayı, tarım düşündürmektedir
tehlikeli şekillerde değişiyor olabilir.
Modern çiftçiler artık ürünlerin birçok türü yetişmektedir. Onlar sadece türler büyümek
büyük sayılarda üretmek kolaydır. Örneğin, bir tür ya da büyüyebilir
mısır, ancak yerel varyasyonları olacak. Bazı insanlar bu değişikliklere bunları eleştirmek. Ancak,
çiftçiler uluslararası gıda şirketleri ne büyümeye onlara cevap. onlar
agree with their critics that a globalized food industry can have bad effects on every
continent. People may become dependent on a few species of food. If those species
are destroyed, there could be a famine on a global scale.
Many farmers disagree with international food farming. It may be changing farming in
dangerous ways, they believe. It destroys traditions and thousands of years of farming
knowledge. The marketplace and politics solely decide what people eat. Crop species
are becoming extinct, and we may be creating the conditions for a global famine.

(5000 karakter kaldı)
Afrika Dili


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